Thursday, 31 May 2012


So we are out for trivia with friends from around the world, Holland, Australia, Germany, the States at our favourite Irish pub. There isn't actually trivia because it was mother's day, but we manage to sit outside with three tables pushed together, exchanging idioms and email addresses and stories of where we are from and what we do.

At one point me and Becky leave the table to get ice cream from our favourite heladería just at the end of the street. We have been to that place often enough that the servers are starting to recognize us. Last night was a different crew, probably because we don't usually do ice cream at ten, but there we have it. Becky asks to try a flavor and as usual it is delicious so she proceeds to order. The lady serves her and then offers her napkins. I say, "Becky, take the napkins" so she does, but the lady serving us goes "¿Como se dice?" and I tell her napkins, those are called napkins.

She smiles and then serves me my pistachio-chocolate-almond delight. Asks me "napkins?" and we smile, and we laugh. I say si, gracias and she says you're welcome.

Sometimes people just kill me.

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